Question 1 - Maryland Ballot 2024 General Election - RIGHT TO REPRODUCTIVE FREEDOM

Isaiah 62:6-7

“I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, which shall never hold their peace day nor night: ye that make mention of the LORD, keep not silence, and give him no rest, till he establish, and till he make Jerusalem a praise in the earth.”

Friend, we need YOU to be the watchman on the wall. We need YOU to sound the alarm! Your children and your children’s children need you to step up. Spread the word and tell everyone you meet to VOTE NO on QUESTION 1 and tell them WHY.

From Health Not Harm

The Question:

“That every person, as a central component of an individual’s right to liberty and equality, has the fundamental right to reproductive freedom, including but not limited to the ability to make and effectuate decisions to prevent, continue, or end one’s own pregnancy. The State may not, directly or indirectly, deny, burden, or abridge the right unless justified by a compelling state interest achieved by the least restrictive means.”

NOTE: There are no Maryland laws that prevent ADULTS from seeking and obtaining reproductive interventions.


It would be helpful if you would grab a meme (right click and chose Save As) and make a post about question 1. Link back to here, or even If you make your own memes and want to share, tag me on Twitter @simulacra10 and I will grab it and add it here.